Your Story Part IV: SALVATION
“The time has come…The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the
good news!” (Mark 1:15)
Jesus died on the cross and rose again for you! He has reached across the gap to save you from the penalty of sin and he is calling you to grab onto his hand right now!
But how do you grab onto God’s hand?
Simply Believe in Jesus Christ! To believe in Jesus is to trust in him as your only means of salvation. It means turning away from any false notion that you can earn your own salvation by doing enough good deeds, by living any certain way, by acquiring enough wealth, or by relying on any other false means of salvation. Why? Because on the cross, Jesus has already done everything necessary for you to reconnect with God. That certainly is good news!
After you have grabbed onto God’s hand by simple, authentic belief in Jesus, what’s next?
Get Baptized! Getting baptized is NOT how you get saved, but it is how God calls you to share with others your new identification with Jesus Christ.
Join! Joining a local church is also NOT how you get saved, but it is vital as you grow in faith continuously alongside other believers in your community.
However, that’s not all. God makes many promises to those who grab onto his hand…
People can live in restored relationship with God through authentic belief in Jesus.