Woodland Park Baptist Church is affiliated denominationally with the American Baptist Churches USA. We also value our partnership with other churches in the Gateway District of various other denominations, and partner with them in joint projects to reach our community with the Gospel and God’s love. The following statement of beliefs comes from our Church Constitution.
Affirming our faith wholly in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, believing in the teachings, and practices of the Baptists and in those great distinctive principles for which they have ever stood, namely:
- The preeminence of Christ as our living Lord and Master,
- The Old and New Testaments as an all-sufficient basis of doctrine and practice,
- The right of private interpretation and the competency of the individual soul in direct approach to God,
- The absolute separation of Church and State,
- A regenerate (born again) Church membership,
- The symbolic ordinance of believer’s baptism by immersion in obedience to the command of Christ,
- The complete independence of the local Church and its interdependence in associated fellowship with other American Baptist Churches,
- The solemn obligation of majority rule, guaranteeing equal rights to all and special privilege to none,
- The spiritual unity of all believers, for which the Master so earnestly prayed,
- A world-wide program of missionary fervor and evangelism in obedience to the final command of Jesus,
We band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ and adopt for our government, plan of worship, and service.