If you are thinking of visiting us at Woodland Park this Sunday, we want you to know that there is absolutely no expectation for you to give financially. What is most important to us is that you feel welcome and experience God’s presence.
You will notice that in our sanctuary there are “prayer cards” available. We invite you to fill one of these out, should you choose, so that we can be praying for you.
You also will notice that at a certain point in our service, offering plates are passed for those who wish to give a donation to support the work of the church. When that happens, we want you to know that you are welcome to let your “prayer card” be your offering to the Lord.
That said, for those who would like to help support the mission and ministry of Woodland Park Baptist Church you may use our online giving platform or you may make checks payable to “WPBC”. If you are mailing a donation, send it to:
Woodland Park Baptist Church
11375 NE Halsey St.
Portland, OR 97220